Neil Gaiman Wants Us All To Make Art :)

Neil Gaiman the author of Sandman, Coraline, Stardust and many other things has been writing away and now he wants US to create the art to go with the stories 🙂

The stories are for A Calendar of Tales and is charity project with BlackBerry. Initially he put out twelve questions on twitter which many (including myself) answered. He then picked some and has written the stories. They avalible to read.

I’ve already entered a picture for Jan Tales on the BlackBerry site here, my husband picked out which on was mine straight away!

I tweeted that I had pressed the submit button before chickening out and got a WELL DONE back from Neil which made me smile. I had in fact been unable to pick up my drawing things this year so far and this project gave me the book up the bum I needed to get started again. I am planning to enter an image for February now 🙂

I am once again roping other people into this – from the Gloucestershire Scif, Horror and Fantasy Group, to another writing mum 🙂

The joy of such a project is that though my image is unlikely to be picked it doesn’t matter – I feel included and the adventure becomes shared – I own part of it. The collective hive mind of social media made it, though Neil has put in a hell of a lot obviously – he is the funnel for the creatings 🙂

Also I often create stuff and then forget or worry about it too much to actually get around to submitting. This year I have so far submitted a grand total of 3 things and done two talks.

But I am feeling more positive now and have a short story to re-write hopefully for the Bristol Short Stories.

Posted: Thursday, February 21st, 2013 @ 10:19 am
Categories: Illustration, Submitting, Twitter, Writing.
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