Gnashing Teeth

Hello again!

This week I thought I’d write about gnashing teeth, you should all write for 5 minutes about teeth as well, though you might want to be a bit less, well, red!

Gnashing Teeth

At night there is a demonic demon known as Dentineous Gruesiosome. It hides in the toothbrush cupboard in the bathroom. When you are getting lax with the whole dental hygiene thing or have not eaten enough fruit it enchants the toothbrushes.

Then when you next clean your teeth the toothbrushes white or (these days) garishly coloured bristles scour at your teeth and catch at the pink gums that have turned a disturbing shade of grey/white. Red blood spouts from minute lacerations turning the cleaning froth a pretty shade of pink.

Sometimes the demon will create stink bombs that it plasters on the tongue and the back of the throat, bad breath and a phlegm, forming normally just before a first date. But it is the blood of the infected gums that it craves so beware or your teeth will become loose and then when angry and gnashing your teeth they will rip bloodily from the gums and land with a ceramic clink in the barber swirl of your sink.

The End

Posted: Tuesday, October 14th, 2008 @ 7:56 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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2 Responses to “Gnashing Teeth”

  1. Blue Monster » Blog Archive » Weather as Metaphor Says:

    […] Red has produced her first story and personally I think it is a bit too gruesome but then that’s […]

  2. Teeth Whitening Says:

    Your work is marvelous!!

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