World Poetry Writing Month
This year I find myself once more in charge of the WoPoWriMo website and it is also it’s fifth year of existing as an event!
Set up for a group who met at Poetry Cafe in Cheltenham and who turned out to all be Screnzies (Script Frenzies is a script writing challenge run by the National Novel Writing NaNoWriMo people). They felt they couldn’t do more than one writing challenge in a month and who therefore could not do National Poetry Writing Month, the website has grown into a place to inspire writers.
I am very pleased to be back in charge of it again as I haven’t been for the last two years really – just been popping in here and there. We have participants from several continents and at least two languages other than English plus the constructed languages sneaking in there. I’ve organised guest bloggers and there will be web-badges to come 🙂
As always I am dragging the whole family into this madness with me!
Posted: Sunday, January 27th, 2013 @ 2:45 pm
Categories: Poetry, Writing Challenges.
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