Rita Rainbow

Blue’s writing is getting shorter and shorter I note, and also of a more and more dubious nature.

Still, my friend Green Monster will be joining us soon with a sparkly new blog. I believe that he tends to review science fiction, horror and the like, which is cool.

This week write anything you like about a weather phenomena and try to anthropomorphise it, i.e. give it human characteristics.

Rita Rainbow

Rita the Rainbow skipped across the hillside chasing the rain shadow; she wanted a shower but the rain always just ran away from her. Behind her the sun smiled shyly and pretended not to be watching every time Rita looked up at her.

After a while Rita began to get tired and the hills were running out. Instead a vast array of Blue Ocean lay before her. It looked so lovely and she was sure she could bathe in it. And so she jumped and she dived and she splashed into the glittering water and to her surprise Rita the Rainbow broke into hundreds of small darting rainbows and these swam around happily.

Later on they missed being a rainbow and swam together around a small island. Some of the fish stopped swimming but other swam around and around and they found they were a rainbow once more. And so the Coral Sea was born.

Posted: Tuesday, February 10th, 2009 @ 10:29 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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One Response to “Rita Rainbow”

  1. Yellow Monster » Blog Archive » Hot Curries Says:

    […] is Blue and Red Monsters engaged in witty […]

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