Wow a Blog!

Wow I have a blog! The Wiggly Pets have helped me set it up and Blue Monster has reluctantly said that he will help me by adding me to his blog roll and stuff but obviously only if I add him to mine.

I am a Story Gurgitation Monster and am very excited to find this new medium with which to help infect the Terrian population with writing. Just like Blue I will be writing stories and leaving little tasks for the humans to do – hopefully in a sort of brainwashing way so they won’t realise we are here.

In the old days some of us Gurgitation Monsters were worshipped as gods or spirits which was a bit silly but lots of fun. Some of you may know one of our old guises – we were known as muses – how very amusing!

cough I apologise I just could not resist such an obvious pun!

Anyway I will be back soon with lots of yummy stories to tell you – now being Red and red and indeed Read I am most likely to be a bit erm… bloodthirsty or romantic I am afraid but only in a sort of gentle way if that makes sense?

Talk to you all soon!


Posted: Tuesday, October 7th, 2008 @ 7:46 pm
Categories: Uncategorized.
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One Response to “Wow a Blog!”

  1. Bodyc Says:

    Hi, Ugh, I liked!

    Have a nice day Bodyc

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